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Midwest Trust Center - Opus 76 Quartet and Nerman Museum


Finding new and exciting cultural programs in these times of COVID is a challenge as our primary emphasis is to be safe and vigilant with our audience. In the past we could visit private collections as well as discover new artists who are making Kansas City their home.

On Sunday afternoon, February 20th, we've put together a program of discovery as we head to the Johnson County Community College and the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art where we'll get acquainted with the newest musical ensemble who call Kansas City their home. The Opus 76 Quartet have made a national name for themselves in only two years. As Artists-in-residence at the Midwest Trust Center, they will perform a series of concerts and the one we've chosen will showcase the works of Mozart and Dvorak. The concert begins at 2 pm.

Following the concert we'll head to the Nerman and meet the new director JoAnne Northrup. JoAnne will lead us through the newly installed artworks and show us the three artists chosen by the Charlotte Street Foundation, Kathy Lao, glyneisha and Cory Imig. In addition, she's offering us some afternoon wine, fruit and cheese to enjoy while we visit the museum. The latest KC Studio Magazine highlights these Fellows in a wonderful interview with each of them.

Please join us for this exciting Sunday afternoon at the college. This special event is priced at $40.00 so put a group together and come enjoy another Arts Alive event. In our 22nd year, we continue to discover the arts and artists that make our community such an enjoyable place to live.